The Influence of BIM and VDC on the Project Life Cycle

In the field of construction and architectural design, the development of a project involves multiple stages, from initial conception to completion and delivery to the client. The emergence of technology has modified the way in which these projects are approached, with BIM (Building Information Modeling) and VDC (Virtual Design and Construction) being two essential tools in this transformation.

What is BIM?

BIM (Building Information Modeling) or Construction Information Modeling in Spanish, is a methodology that uses digital representations of the physical and functional characteristics of a building or infrastructure. These three-dimensional (3D) models not only contain visual information, but also details about materials, costs, scheduling, and more. BIM allows architects, engineers and other construction professionals to collaborate efficiently from the conception to the completion of a project, by having a comprehensive and coherent view of all the information in one place.

What is VDC?

VDC (Virtual Design and Construction) or Virtual Design and Construction in Spanish, is a management approach that uses digital representations to simulate the design, construction and operation of a project. It goes a step beyond BIM, as it not only focuses on modeling, but also on the construction process itself. VDC integrates BIM with the planning, programming and construction phases, allowing more effective coordination, anticipating conflicts, optimizing time and resources, and improving the quality of the final project.

While BIM focuses on project information modeling, VDC encompasses the entire design and construction process using that model. Both methodologies, when implemented together, have the potential to revolutionize the construction industry by improving collaboration, efficiency and accuracy at every stage of the project. An example of how they interact in the project life cycle:

1. Project Initiation

At the beginning, when addressing the question of “what is a project?”, it is crucial to understand it as a proposal that seeks to solve a specific need through a set of activities and resources. In this phase, BIM and VDC enable a three-dimensional and detailed visualization of the project, allowing stakeholders to better understand the proposal and make early adjustments.

2. Planning and development of the Project

This is where efficiency and effectiveness become essential. While BIM provides a digital representation of the project, VDC allows this information to be coordinated and managed in a virtual environment, facilitating collaboration between the parties involved. Meridia’s technological tools, such as management and simulation platforms, integrate perfectly with these methodologies, providing greater control and optimizing resources.

3. Technological Innovation: Project Promotion

The use of BIM and VDC not only represents an adoption of technology, but a true technological innovation. These tools allow you to anticipate problems, visualize solutions and improve decision making.

4. Closure

Upon reaching this stage, the integration of BIM and VDC ensures that the project has been executed with a clear vision, reducing unforeseen events and guaranteeing that initial expectations are met. In addition, the end client benefits from detailed documentation and a project built with precision, efficiency and effectiveness.

BIM and VDC have revolutionized the way projects are conceived and developed in the construction world. By focusing on efficiency and effectiveness from project introduction to completion, and supported by technological innovations such as those offered by Meridia, these methodologies are setting new standards in the sector, demonstrating that the combination of technology and strategy can take any project to new horizons of excellence.

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