Establishment Labs Project Management Services

  • +13.500 sq
  • Global Headquater
  • Confidential cos


  • Tight budget
  • Multi-use buildin
  • Two phases development C
  • ISO 7-CR surrounded by forest +7.000sqm
  • State-of-the-art Surgical Teather design
  • 5G stream connectivity
  • LEED, Well, EDGE, Carbono Neutro Certification


  • Core team under IPD methodolog
  • Target Value design and GM
  • Client’s and Project’s Objective developmen
  • Understand the business model requirements
  • Professional consulting and accompany for SME’
  • Precise communication with project team
  • Peer-design revision on required discipline
  • Master Schedule contro
  • Plan ahead time for all critical LL
  • Risk Control and evaluatio
  • Early integration of potential vendor
  • RFP/RFQ process.
  • Achieve and overcome expectations
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